Variables in Go can be declared and initialized in several different ways.
Declare variable with var
var pizza string
pizza = "pizza"
Alternatively you can write the statement like this
var pizza string = "pizza"
Notice that we didn't specify a type of string
it was inferred
Inside functions, loops, and control flow statements you can use a shorthand operator
func printName(name string) string {
modName := name + "is a person"
return modName
You cannot use the shorthand operator :=
outside of this context
package main
import (
str := "Hello, playground"
func main() {
If you were to try to run this hello world program you would see the following error message
syntax error: non-declaration statement outside function body
Naming variables
- Names must start with a letter and may contain letters, numbers or the _ (underscore) symbol
Default values
Variables are given default values when they are declared
var num int // 0
var dec float64 // 0
var str string // ""
var isVal bool // false
var num2 *int // nil
type Data struct{} // nil
func someFunc() {} // nil